Mini But Not a Monstera

Content Originally Written By Ellen Wells, Editor-at-Large, Green Profit

Tiny plants are all the rage these days. (Maybe that’s because availability of bigger plants is quite low?) While Raphidophora tetrasperma isn’t really a tiny plant, it does carry “mini monstera” as one of its common names. (Other common names include dwarf monstera and monstera Ginny.) Oh, and it’s not even a monstera.

R. tetrasperma is on the small side, however, which is appealing to that growing group of customers who think tiny or small plants are cute and adorable and don’t want another kitten (I raise my hand). And the fact that this plant is a cute and adorable version of one of the most popular houseplants out there? I imagine the Swiss cheesy looking leaves that get no larger than 6-8 inches across make this plant a popular one.

I heard from my very knowledgeable tropical plant friend David Bache of Garden Industries that there are two types out there: The ones grown from tissue culture and those grown from cuttings. They are distinctly different, David says. The TC plants are softer and those from cuttings do get a bit woody.

While it makes an excellent houseplant, David did put it in a tropical plant combination container, which he created for that upcoming article I’m writing about tropical combos.

Do you have a tropical combo container that you think I should share in the article? If so, I still have a few days before I need to wrap up that piece. Drop me a line with a photo and a list of the combo components at

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